Download The Moor A DCI Ryan Mystery The DCI Ryan Mysteries Book 12 edition by LJ Ross Literature Fiction eBooks

By Winifred Guzman on Thursday, 23 May 2019

Download The Moor A DCI Ryan Mystery The DCI Ryan Mysteries Book 12 edition by LJ Ross Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 970 KB
  • Print Length 278 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date April 27, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07PHH6H71

The Moor A DCI Ryan Mystery The DCI Ryan Mysteries Book 12 edition by LJ Ross Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

  • Eight years ago a toddler saw someone strangle her mother. But the body disappeared and she was told that her mother ran away with a lover. Now she's starting to have flash backs. Concurrently, three dead men have been found with their finger tips removed. Ryan and Phillips are determined to solve the cold case and protect the little girl, while Lowerson and Yates go after the killer of the three men. I am a big fan of this series. Ross hooks you on the first page and doesn't let go. Great characters and plots, and she lets her characters tell the story. Can't wait for the next one.
  • My husband and i have now been to Northumberland twice in the last year because i fell in love with it reading about it in Ross’ books. Its a prominent character and Ross does an amazing job weaving the fabric of the landscape and culture into her books. The real characters are fantastic too and the plot twists keep you guessing. The experiences of seeing Holy Island and Corbridge and Sycamore Gap in person after imagining them as I’ve read her books, is a gift that i have LJ Ross to thank for. The Moor doesn’t disappoint, and the focus on Phillips and Mckenzie is a nice departure from Ryan and Anna. I can’t wait for the next DCI Ryan book and for our next trip to Northumberland, to attend Christmas Eve service at Hexham Abbey (which would make a fantastic setting for a mystery, hint, hint)! I live in California, but i swear i must have lived in Northumberland in a previous life. It feels like home!
  • I believe this is one of the best installments yet. There was some obvious kitsch, but the author explained the reason for the inclusion in her notes afterwards. I figured out who the murderer was about two-thirds of the way through, but she did a really good job of tossing a red herring or two. Overall, I really enjoyed the story and am thoroughly enjoying Frank and Denise's character development!!
  • Ross never lets the reader down. This one is particularly interesting because it involve a cold case, a circus and a young victim of a crime. All said the story is put together remarkably well and is a very interesting read.
  • A lot more love in a detective novel than I’m used to reading- not that that’s a bad thing. Am looking forward to the next book.
  • Wonderful characters..husbands, wives, detectives and one historian; beautifully blended into quick and saucy.
  • I liked that Ross made Samantha a strong resilient character. As with all the other DCI Ryan books Ross doesn't disappoint. Can't wait for the next one!!
  • Ryan and Phillips seem an unlikely pair, but it works. Twists and circus life adds to mystery. And the case will go on I’m sure..